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3 Problems Everyone has with Sneakers – How to Solve Them


From moms out on a run to college athletes and retirees on a walk, everyone shares some of the same problems with their sneakers. While you can avoid some of these issues by purchasing quality products like Asics and other name brand shoes, even those can have issues if you purchase the wrong shoes. So let’s talk about some of the more common sneaker problems we all share and how to easily avoid these issues.

Sneakers that Fall Apart

We have all been there. The sneakers on sale from the bargain basement bin fall apart after only a couple of months. Now full of cracks and holes, these sneakers are only useful now as your dog’s favorite chew toy. How can you avoid poor quality sneakers?

The easiest solution is to ask fellow athletes, coaches, and athletic trainers about the types of footwear that they suggest for your particular sport. If you have a low impact sport like walking or yoga, you can probably afford something that is less expensive since it will hold up under the light exercise. However, if you are in a contact sport, weightlifting, soccer, or any sport where you will be running like basketball or track and field, then you want a better quality sneaker that will provide support and protection.

The Shoes Don’t Fit

No, this doesn’t mean that you are one of Cinderella’s stepsisters. If your shoe doesn’t fit then you probably bought the wrong size, purchases a shoe at a time of day when your feet were swollen, or bought a shoe that is not adapted to your particular foot shape or gait. For example, someone with flat feet will need a different type of sneaker than someone who has a high arch. And your feet swell over the course of the day. Pregnant women will also find that after they have their babies, those stubborn feet will stay bigger than they were before pregnancy.

You can avoid this problem by having a medical professional look at your feet and determine if you have any specific foot issues that require a specially designed shoe. If you are pregnant, besides buying shoes that are comfortable for every day, avoid buying higher end athletic sneakers until after you give birth and your feet start to resume their new normal size. Diabetics and those with health problems that cause foot swelling should speak with their doctor about the best shoes to protect their feet.

Buy shoes in the morning, before your feet swell. At the store, be sure to talk with the shoe store personnel about your shoe size. Have them size your feet. Even if you choose to buy footwear online, at least you will know the right size to buy.

Too Many Choices

Sneaker shopping can be daunting. There are so many brands and options available. Countless trendy fashionistas and celebrity athletes will bombard you with ads about the best sneaker, promises that certain products will make you run faster and better. But which shoe should you buy?

Avoid trends that can harm your feet. For example, buying sneakers that are super popular but lack the right type of support for your feet can lead to years of pain and injury. Secondly, always purchase a sneaker brand that has years of trust built up with athletes and coaches. Avoid some of the most common shoe problems with these simple tips. Your feet deserve the best protection.

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