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5 Things to Look for When Buying Workout Clothes

Finding the time and mustering up the intention to work out is not an easy thing. But finding the right kind of clothes to wear should be a cakewalk. Active wear that is fashionable and flattering can help us stay confident, even if we end up getting bruises and a sore body at the end of the day. That said, active wear has to be comfortable and durable with some specific performance markers that stand out.

  1. Make up your mind on the style you want – Do you like shorts and a tank top? Or are you a crops route and t-shirt kind of a person? Visualize the gym where you will be working out. Put yourself in that space and then try out the clothes you see on the rack. Or if you are planning to jog and run, then adjust the kind of clothes you would prefer to be running in. Remember to buy clothes that would suit the weather as you will be all by yourself when jogging.
  2. What will be the primary use of these clothes? – Many shoppers tend to buy clothes thinking they could be used for multi purposes. Since quality workout clothes tend to be expensive, they would like them to be optimally useful. When you buy clothes for running, do not assume you can use them in the gym too. Clothes worn in the gym need to be lighter than the ones used for running or jogging. Jogging clothes also need additional provision for holding personal items like keys, ID card, wallet, mobile phone etc.
  3. Always buy clothes made from good fabrics – Make it a point to distinguish between cheap clothes and clothes made from high grade performing fabric. These will be expensive but they will keep you cool and dry in a sweaty gym. These clothes are one-time investment luxuries that make you feel like a princess for a long long time. But you have to take care of your clothes, wash them in cold water, do not use fabric softener and avoid the dryer. Make sure you let your clothes hang dry or lay them down flat to dry them up.
  4. Do physical shopping, try your clothes on – Do not depend on online shops when purchasing your expensive workout clothes. Always visit the shops, search, try and purchase clothes. That way you are confident that your shorts/tank top aren’t too tight, or too short or too ill-fitting. Do not hesitate to ask/enquire from people about brands or the shops where you could get the best deal.
  5. Do not give up and compromise – Search high and low for the perfect workout clothing. Perfect clothes are those that prevent you from getting hurt, physically as well as on the pocket. There are so many options in the market. One need not settle down or buy something that could become a burden. So be specific and cut to the chase. After all staying fit isn’t an easy option, it is a right. One should invest in an expensive active wear like Fabletics and reduce the number of heartaches/body aches that come with cheaper ones!
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