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Topo Athletic Running Shoes

Former CEO of Vibram USA (the company that brought us FiveFingers), Tony Post, started Topo Athletic approximately three years ago.  The goal was to create a shoe that was designed around our foot allowing it to function natural.

We use ergonomic design, engineered around 3 core ingredients, to help amplify and enhance natural movement for runners and fitness enthusiasts:

  1. Shape — we use a unique last shape, fitting snug thru the waist, secure in the heel, yet roomy in the toes so they spread and splay naturally for better muscle activation up the connect chain, improving balance, agility, and comfort.  Former Runner’s World Gear Editor, Jeff Dengate, was quoted as saying Topo Athletic might have the best fit in the industry.
  2. Platform — Our current stack heights range from 16 to 25mm, with 0 to 5mm of heel to toe drop, creating a stable and neutral foundation underfoot that encourages the foot and body to move naturally.
  3. Weight — All of our shoes are engineered for light weight, weighing between 5-9 ounces (150-250 grams) in sample sizes.  They are seamless inside and use highly breathable meshes and durable lightweight constructions.  People are often surprised at how durable our shoes are given their light weight.

Topo is a great choice for folks who tried minimal shoes and liked that feeling of a lower heel to toe drop, liked having room for their toes to spread, liked a lightweight responsive feel, but just needed a little more protection under foot.

I currently am running in the Tribute and Fly-Lyte, and my wife has been running in the Magnifly.  I would encourage you to try this shoe if you haven’t.


Topo Athletic has a Cyber Monday sale today featuring buy one get one 50% off.  

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