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Having surgery and need pain medicine? HarmonYX can isolate which pain medicine will work best for you. 

Not sure what NSAID or pain medicine works best for you?  Here’s a new test that uses genetic analysis to determine which pain medicine or NSAID (click for a list of what is tested) will be the best fit for you.

Performing the test is really simple.  A pharmacist will provide the test kit and you simply swab the inside of each cheek with the supplied swabs for 30 seconds and they are then returned to Harmonyx.  The analysis is then sent back to your physician for interpretation. 
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I had the opportunity to try a test and I have listed the results below. These results are obviously meant to be interpreted by a physician.  

I think this tests has it best fit for those who will be having surgery and will need pain medicine and want to find the best option. 



MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Sept. 1, 2015) – Harmonyx, a leading company in affordable and accessible genetic testing, has launched a new test that examines the efficacy and side effect risk of medications used to treat acute and chronic pain. Results from this test provide individualized details about which medication may be a good genetic match for the patient, along with guidance for dosing and potential side-effect risk. 

One in three Americans report suffering from chronic pain. With the serious risks and side effects that are associated with most pain medications, it is all the more important to ensure a prescription isn’t negatively affecting a patient. Harmonyx’s new test can help patients determine if what they are taking is, in fact, the best fit. This is extremely valuable considering opioids’ connection to increased rates of substance abuse and overdoses. 

Acute pain, which is frequently the result of common conditions such as headaches, sports injuries, and surgeries, accounts for more than 70 percent of emergency department visits. More often than not, the treatment is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). In the United States, approximately 70 million prescriptions are issued and 30 billion over-the-counter NSAIDs are sold per year. Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, a common and potentially fatal side effect of the NSAIDs, especially in older adults, has been clearly associated with genetic variance.  Knowing a patient’s genotype in cases like these can prevent serious adverse events like GI bleeding, and can ensure safer, more confident prescribing practices.

 “We are excited to launch this test because the majority of the population uses this category of medication in some capacity,” said Bob Bean, President and CEO of Harmonyx. “From a minor headache to more severe ongoing pain, the results from this test can help people understand what medication is the most appropriate solution for them.”

 For $99, The Harmonyx® Test for Pain can help provide personalized guidance to anyone taking medicine for chronic or acute pain. With a simple and painless swab test that can be accessed at a Harmonyx partner pharmacy, the test examines the effects of eight genes on a patient’s metabolism and efficacy of over 20 pain medications, ranging from common over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen to frequently prescribed medications like morphine, methadone, hydrocodone, codeine and oxycodone, among others. Harmonyx provides a state licensed physician to review each patient test request, and if deemed medically appropriate, the test is ordered on behalf of the patient. Detailed results are returned to the pharmacist and treating physician in as little as 24 hours once the laboratory receives the test.

Harmonyx offers testing for four classes of medication – Antiplatelets (Plavix® / clopidogrel), Statins (Zocor® / simvastatin), ADHD and Pain. To learn more about Harmonyx, visit www.harmonyxdiagnostics.com.

 About Harmonyx:

Harmonyx Diagnostics is an innovative Memphis-based company that is changing the way medicine is prescribed in America. Founded in 2009, Harmonyx believes patients should have the power to pay for affordable genetic testing without the hurdles health insurance can cause. Harmonyx uses a fully automated genotyping system to deliver fast, easy and accurate results to qualified healthcare professionals, helping them determine the appropriate medication and dosing for each patient. Harmonyx is CAP accredited and CLIA-certified automated genetic testing laboratory. For more information, visit www.harmonyxdiagnostics.com.

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