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Stop by the Cleveland Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Expo and ask me your running questions!

I will be answering questions at the Performance Health Booth (Makers of Biofreeze, Thera-band, and Perform) today from 9-12 at the Cleveland Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Expo.

Stop over with all your questions or to just chat!! Lots of fun!

And yes, I’m running it! A week after Akron Marathon!

Thera-Band® Roller Massager+ / Standard / (Ridged) – $28.99

from: PerformanceHealth.com

Thera-Band® First Step to Foot Relief_†¢ – $35.49

from: PerformanceHealth.com

Thera-Band® Foot Roller – $13.49

from: PerformanceHealth.com

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