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Super Natural Yoga and Fitness Apparel

Here’s a new product from the company Super.Natural.   They offer yoga and fitness clothing made from natural fibers combined with synthetically engineered fibers to create a soft and comfortable fit.

We tested the 3/4 zipper shirt and found it to be quite comfortable. It initially had a “itchy” feeling which did resolve after washing. It definitely keeps you warm and can serve as a base layer under a jacket with no other layers. It would be nice to have the thumb holes to keep your hands covered on top. The comparable Lululemon and Athleta shirts all have thumb holes which is really the only difference in the shirts.

Overall it’s a great product and would recommend it.

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We engineer each product to create the best consumer experience. Optimum performance is achieved with a balance of unique technical materials and functional detailing. We care about the environment and our attention to detail runs through our product and into our manufacturing processes.


Soft, natural and comfortable on the skin yet engineered to keep your body dry in workout conditions.


Combinations of engineered wicking fibers and legendary merino wool in an advanced fabric construction mean less moisture and sweat on the skin’s surface, keeping you fresh and dry.


Combinations of engineered wicking fibers and legendary merino wool in an advanced fabric construction mean less moisture and sweat on the skin’s surface, keeping you fresh and dry.


Our garments are machine wash and machine dry so you are ready for your next adventure in no time.


Unique fiber combinations dry quicker than 100% natural products.


Engineered natural and technical fiber blends increase strength and durability






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