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4 Myths About Running You Need To Know

You may not find yourself at the starting block gearing up for a one hundred meter dash. You may never need the endurance to finish a marathon. But, you’ve most certainly had to run and you’ll likely run again. Whether it be on the treadmill in the gym or to make it to the bus before it leaves the stop. Running is something we naturally find ourselves doing. And, we’ve been doing it since we were kids. During our early running years, we would have learned a few aspects about the practice. From stretching to form to its benefits, there are various facts about running that remain true. For example, performing the action does wonders for your health especially when combining it with healthy lifestyle choices. A rigorous running and fitness program coupled with the Keto Diet may help you achieve weight loss efficiently. Better yet, finding an effective keto product may fast track your fitness goals. This is just one example of the benefits of running. But, with all good things comes a few misconceptions. In this article, we will outline a few of the myths about running that you need to be aware of.

1. Running Doesn’t Require Strength

There is a dangerous misconception that running doesn’t require strength training. While running to improve your running is a given, supporting your exercise with proper strength training is crucial. Strength training improves the power output of the muscles and prevents muscular imbalances. In turn, this will give you a greater ability to succeed as a runner and minimize the risk of injury. Furthermore, training your upper body is essential for improving your running. Maintaining strength in the upper body will help you sustain proper posture during the performance. This does wonders for your form and combats injury from poor posture. In saying so, don’t neglect your upper body when you hit the gym.

2. Static Stretching Before You Run Is Essential

It has become ingrained in fitness societies that stretching before you run is pivotal for promoting running performance and combating injury. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, research suggests that performing static stretching before running can hinder your endurance. This is not to say that stretching is bad for you. Stretching offers a number of benefits, however, the activities should be performed post-run as a cool down. Furthermore, it is ideal to perform dynamic stretching rather than static stretching. Static stretching can be worrisome because it triggers protective responses which weaken the muscles and decrease endurance. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, supports motion and strengthens the muscles.

3. Carbo-loading Will Improve Your Running

There is a common myth that carbo-loading before an event or long run is imperative for completing it. Many believe that providing sufficient carbohydrates the night before a run will increase your energy levels for the run. However, carbo-loading can be dangerous in the hands of the regular runner. The drastic change in diet can lead to gastrointestinal issues. This kind of discomfort can hinder your ability to perform the race or exercise. Carbo-loading is only really beneficial when done correctly and used for lengthy marathons. In saying so, one needs to follow some basic carbo-loading tips to avoid setbacks. To be on the safe side, it would be wise to stick to your healthy eating habits or adopt some if you haven’t already.

4. The Further You Run, The Better

The key to maximizing your running potential is alternating your exercises. This is the same for any other type of performance training. The myth is that performing moderate intensity, lengthy runs will improve your running. However, this will lead you to a plateau in which you do not excel in the various aspects of running. In saying so, you should perform a combination of high intensity, moderate intensity, short burst runs, and long endurance runs in your running regimen. For example, you should alternate between a high tempo hard-running days and long-running days throughout the week.

There are many myths when it comes to running. This is especially concerning as so many of us continue to perform the bad habits we learned when we were younger. This can decrease our performance capabilities and counter your fitness goals. In saying so, it is increasingly important to be aware of the running myths and implement changes to the outdated habits. In doing so, you can start to see the results you’ve been chasing!

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