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Best and Worst Fall Foods

 Euphebe, a new food and coaching program, makes it easy to break the cycle of cravings caused by “crappy food”. Registered Dietician and Euphebe’s Executive Director of Nutrition and Strategic Development, Kayleen St. John, weighs in on her suggestions – see below:

 Best Fall Foods:

Pumpkin Seeds

If you’re carving a pumpkin at home- don’t throw out the seeds! Simply roast pumpkin seeds with a bit of olive oil and salt for an iron-rich and fiber-ful snack or salad topper.


Delicata, butternut, kabocha, dumping…. there are so many kinds to choose from! Squash isn’t as starchy as potatoes, but are quite satiating and nutrient dense. Try roasting with a pinch of cinnamon- no sweetener necessary to bring out the sweet caramelization of the squash. 

Pomegranate Seeds

Though it may take a few minutes to extract them, pomegranate seeds are worth the extra step. These beauties add a sweet, crunchy bite to yogurt or salads and are also incredibly rich in fiber.  


Worst Fall Foods:

Apple Cider

Apple cider is just apple juice in disguise. Though it may look slightly more virtuous with its cloudy, “natural” look, it still delivers a high dose of sugar straight to the blood stream.  

Pumpkin Spiced Lattes

Most have zero pumpkin in them and a ton of sugar. If you’re craving that warming spiced beverage, look for a pumpkin- or apple spiced tea instead (unsweetened, of course) 

Traditional Chili

Traditional chili (depending on who you ask) typically includes only beef, fat, chilis, spice and onions. While chili traditionalists may turn their nose, adding more veggies and some beans to your chill will make it more satisfying and a healthier choice. Also, try swapping out some beef for chopped mushrooms.


Kayleen St. John

Executive Director of Nutrition and Strategic Development, Euphebe

Kayleen St. John, M.S., R.D. completed her dietetic internship coordinated Masters of Science Degree in Clinical Nutrition at New York University and James J. Peters VAMC. She is the Resident Dietitian at the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City, where she teaches aspiring chefs nutrition basics and how to prepare health supportive meals. Kayleen is also a member of Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN) and Food and Culinary Professionals practice groups within the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.

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